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Summer Program
Just because the school year is over doesn't mean the fun has to end!
Join us for the Timmerman School Summer Program, where students participate in a myriad of activities, including Art, STEM, Bounce House Day, and more!
Enroll your child in our amazing summer program and keep them smiling all summer long!
Choose from an entire summer's worth of fun and activities or pick and choose your sessions to work around your existing summer plans.
To apply, download the appropriate application below. Either fill out and email to: or print at home, fill out, and mail to:
Timmerman School
attn: Summercare Program
2219 Atascadero Drive
Columbia, SC 29206
Either call Mrs. Becky at 803-782-2748 with your payment details or mail payment to the address above.
Activity fee is due with application, can be cash, check, or credit card with 3% service charge.
summer program applications
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